Transparency and "Anti-Marketing"

Regarding customer service it used to be said, "Give great customer service to one client and they'll tell a few of their friends, but give bad customer service to one client and they'll tell everyone they know". Unfortunately, due to technological advances the world is much smaller than it used to be.

Another aspect of transparency in business today is business' vulnerability to technology in the hands of its customers. The average person now has access to technology and media tools that would have been cost-prohibitive 10 years ago. Further, websites like youtube offer a platform for these customers to voice their opinions about your business which can spark a grass roots campaign against you.

If you haven't already seen it, take a couple of minutes to watch the Neistat brother's video "iPod's Dirty Secret". This video was so widely viewed on the internetl that the Neistat's actually forced Apple to change their corporate policy regarding iPod battery replacement.

Every level of an organization today MUST be aware of its vulnerability to bad press and tailor its customer service policies accordingly. From the front line customer service reps "just saying yes" to executives reacting to "anti-marketing" campaigns, the business must move quickly in order to maintain the publics trust and positive opinion.

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